Friday, February 22, 2008


Conviction that
there is a quiet flow
deep beneath
surface turbulance .....

Conviction that
there is another face ,
an incredibly beautiful
and gentle face ,
in layers of
harsh reality .....

Conviction that
I will find it one day .......

Conviction that I will be it
oneday .....
today .



Dipti said...

Ameen dear brother ...that beautiful soul is what glitters and sparkles in the divinity of your words .. peaceful and soothing ... calm and serene ....

akash said...

dear dipti ,

your flow makes my blog into a confluence of rivers .....

thank you my friend .
much love to you ,

Dipti said...

Dear Brother.. I feel much humbled and blessed by your kind and loving words ...many blessings and love to you too dear brother...