Saturday, May 24, 2008

As pleasant as they can be

I will never hear this in any famous album ,
but it is more melodious than anythingelse ,
repeated patterns of notes
singing on new guitar strings
with the passion of a novice ,
my son has indeed arrived
with his brand new guitar .



TOMAS said...

Dear akash, thank you for the purity of your verses. There is nothing to comment - your poetry is a sip of fresh air in the world of angry criticism... THANK YOU. You don't muse on love, but live as the perfect example. Thank you once again.

akash said...

Dear Tomas ,

Thank you for taking a sip of fresh air.

The same feeling I get when I visit your blog.A feeling of being elevated ,inspired to live a simple ,pure and an ever fresh life.

I believe that right anger is also part of life .If channelised correctly , it would generate a force to uphold truth and purity.

It is true that I don't muse on love . But I do believe in love , true love which makes us reach out to life , in love that melts us
to flow with life .

Thank you , Tomas for being here
and for sharing your feelings .
