Monday, June 23, 2008

Want not , waste not

I tell myself to follow it
in all that I do ,
I do find it very tough
not to want ,
I am not yet
disciplined enough
not to waste ,
but that is the reason
to start
changing my path
to suit
these simple principles
that create
longterm harmony.



Krishna. N. C. said...

My Dear Akash,
Hello :)))How have you been? I Just dropped by to say hi!!Hope all is well with you and your loved ones :)
Its been a longtime though! I have not been able to blog regularly thanks to time constraints.
Lucky me,today i went through all your posts and everytime i read them its sets my mind ticking and opens up so many new perspectives!
Thank you for sharing such beautifully, profound thoughts:)Looking forward to more blogging now ;))
Till then its lots of warm regards and goodwishes for you :)
Love, hugs and prayers!

akash said...

Dear krishna ,

Thank you very much for your kind words . All of us have been fine .

I hope that things are fine at your end .

Best wishes ,
